News & Articles By Amy Goodrich
By Amy Goodrich
Leonardo DiCaprio’s war on carbon is actually a war against all plants, rainforests and ecosystems on the entire planet, warns new video
When you hear the word carbon dioxide or CO2, what’s the first thought that springs to mind? If you are like most people, the answer will be “a pollutant.” For years scientists, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the mainstream media have reported that the leading cause of climate change is heightened levels […]
By Amy Goodrich
Mindless intolerance of climate change debate on full display as NYT columnist is blasted for suggesting people listen to BOTH sides of the argument
After months of being bullied by Trump supporters, Bret Stephens, a newly hired columnist for the New York Times’s opinion pages, has come under fire from the “nasty left” for casting doubt on aspects of climate change in his debut op-ed column. He wrote about how absurd it is to blindly support climate change claims […]
By Amy Goodrich
Japan to “drop tanks” full of Fukushima nuclear waste directly into the ocean
Following a major earthquake in March 2011, a 15 meter-high tsunami ravaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Though the reactors immediately shut down after the quake, the giant wave that hit Fukushima’s shores disabled the emergency generators that power and operate the pumps that cool the reactors. The insufficient cooling resulted in the nuclear […]
By Amy Goodrich
How to easily make a non-toxic waterproofer with these two ingredients
As temperatures start to rise, the country’s best hiking trails come alive. Flowers are starting to bloom, birds are nesting, and the sun is slowly warming up the earth. Be sure to take advantage of all the natural beauty the spring season brings and plan a hike or camping trip away from towns, cities, and […]
By Amy Goodrich
Green energy LUNACY prevails as wind farms in the UK will be paid to turn OFF their turbines due to too much energy being produced
The United Kingdom has too much renewable energy and may have to limit the amount of green energy it produces during the summer months, according to a report by the National Grid released earlier this month. Over the past few years, the U.K. has spent a lot of effort in reducing its carbon footprint by […]
By Amy Goodrich
How to easily find a fresh water spring in your state
Water is one of the world’s most precious resources essential to life. Most of us take it for granted that when we turn on a faucet in our home, clean, fresh, drinkable water will flow. In the last several years, however, clean drinking water has almost become a luxury in many states in America. Some […]
By Amy Goodrich
Dangerous farm pesticides are showing up in America’s drinking water
Despite the numerous debates and widespread outrage against neonicotinoids, research into how these popular insecticides affect environmental and public health is still relatively new. Opinions about their safety are divided. While one site suggests a strong link between neonicotinoid use and local pollinator collapses combined with adverse health effects in other animals, another site, consisting […]
By Amy Goodrich
Top 10 homemade natural herbicides to tackle the weeds in your garden
In today’s atmosphere of increasing health and environmental awareness, more and more people are turning their back on chemical herbicides. One of the most popular herbicides used today, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready, has been sprayed in gardens, parks, playgrounds, and farmlands for many years. As the debate surrounding the safety of this highly controversial glyphosate-containing herbicide […]
By Amy Goodrich
Horrific spider bite may cause man to lose his arms and legs
Terry Pareja, a 65-year-old father-of-two from the Philippines, was visiting his family in rural Victoria, Australia, in February 2017 when he came down with a fever and noticed his foot was swollen. A day later, Mr. Pareja’s started experiencing incredible pain in his right leg and he could barely walk. When his leg started to […]
By Amy Goodrich
Massive academic cover-up concealing a near-total collapse of ocean food chains … mass death to humans will follow
Marine fish provides 15 percent of all animal protein consumed by humans. Unfortunately, we may not have the luxury of eating fish much longer. While academics are forbidden, under threat, to share their findings on the actual health of the Pacific Ocean, stories of blue deserts void of life are popping up along the West […]
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