News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Leftists set fire to amazon rainforests so they can raise money to fight the fires
Back in the summer, it was reported that the Amazon rainforests of South America were on fire due to “climate change.” But it has since come out that these fires may have actually been intentionally started by Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio and a cohort of leftist “philanthropists” carrying out what you might call an environmentalist […]
By Ethan Huff
Coca-Cola rolls out a recycled bottle made with a tiny fraction of all the plastic waste the unethical corporation has dumped on the world
In an effort to appear environmentally friendly, the Coca-Cola Company has announced plans to start making pop bottles out of recycled plastic waste pulled out of the world’s oceans. In a press release, Coca-Cola explained how it recently created 300 sample bottles made from ocean trash, which the company says demonstrates how “one day, even […]
By Ethan Huff
“Composting” dead humans creates bio-goo that gets flushed down sewage pipes, turned into biosludge, then deposited on crops
Washington state is on the verge of legalizing the “composting” of human remains, which advocates say will create a new source of “organic fertilizer” for food crops. But this so-called “organic fertilizer” is actually a toxic and just plain disgusting bio-goo that will easily make its way into sewage systems, only to be “recycled” and […]
By Ethan Huff
Analysis finds that pharmaceutical drugs are destroying the environment – where are all the environmental activists?
If you’re reading this and are the type of person who desperately wants to save the planet from a “climate catastrophe,” listen up: One of the biggest polluters in the world today is the pharmaceutical industry. And the pollution is the residue of billions of doses of chemical pills that end up in the freshwater […]
By Ethan Huff
If you care about the environment, you must oppose Big Pharma: Ten percent of medications found to harm living systems across the planet
There’s a serious climate emergency taking place, but it has nothing to do with internal combustion engines, cow farts, red meat, or Greta Thunberg. The truth is this: Big Pharma is massively polluting our planet with pharmaceutical drugs that, because they don’t fully biodegrade, end up settling in the freshwater ecosystems that we all need […]
By Ethan Huff
NASA finds that Californians’ TRASH emits far more methane into the atmosphere than cattle ranches… should we ban trash services to solve the global warming problem?
Scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently conducted a fly-over across the state of California to determine the biggest sources of methane emissions. And as it turns out, trash is responsible for generating a full one-third of the type of atmospheric pollution that leftists claim is causing global warming. Utilizing a specialized […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate lunatic Andrew Cuomo claims hurricanes didn’t exist before the 1970s
Now here’s a new one we haven’t heard yet: Before “climate change” began due to gas-powered vehicles and cow farts, there was no such thing as a hurricane! This is what New York Governor Andrew Cuomo reportedly believes, having stated during a recent broadcast of MSNBC‘s “Live” program that the reason our planet sometimes experiences […]
By Ethan Huff
After dropping polar bears because their populations are actually booming, loony leftists now claim penguins are gay and being killed by the climate
Now that climate apologists have lost their cherished polar bear mascot, they’re scurrying in favor of another icon that supposedly supports the global warming conspiracy theory: gay penguins. No, penguins aren’t actually homosexual. And no, penguins aren’t dying because of climate change. But this is what the climate-obsessed left is now claiming as part of […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate alarmists drop the polar bear as their mascot since polar bears are thriving, with record population numbers
You probably won’t be seeing too many polar bears in the mainstream media anymore now that the climate brigade has decided to drop the furry arctic animal from its propaganda lineup. The reason, as we recently reported, has to do with the fact that, contrary to the prevailing climate narrative, polar bear numbers are increasing, […]
By Ethan Huff
Biosludge spread on food crops will soon contain dead human tissue as Washington legalizes “human composting”
The state of Washington is the first in the union to start “composting” dead human bodies as crop “fertilizer,” bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green. According to reports, Washington’s Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, “Concerning human remains,” which […]
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