News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Bombshell: Environmental activism groups operating in the USA may actually be front groups run by communist China
Congressional Republicans are working hard to get to the bottom of what appears to be a major scandal that could forever taint the reputation of so-called “environmentalist” groups operating in the United States. As reported by The Daily Caller, a number of big names in environmentalism would seem to be working on behalf of the […]
By Ethan Huff
The liberal media only cares about GMOs when they involve wildlife, not human children
There’s a wild conspiracy theory being perpetuated by the Trump-hating mainstream media right now that claims the president is reversing an Obama-era ban on the use of pesticides and GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) in national wildlife refuges. But an in-depth Natural News investigation has revealed that this claim is just more fake news, as Obama never […]
By Ethan Huff
A 40-year history of deceit and collusion: How the EPA has been lying to you about the health hazards of pesticides
For the first time ever, the world has access to thousands of pages of formerly concealed documents that reveal the true extent of chemical industry corruption in our country. It’s all part of a project known as the “Poison Papers,” which covers more than four decades’ worth of collusion between chemical companies and the Environmental […]
By Ethan Huff
Vegan-friendly fashion found to be surprisingly bad for the environment
People who avoid fur and other animal-based materials in clothing, believing that this conscious choice makes for a better environment and planet, could be doing more harm than good in the long run, experts now say. That’s because vegan-friendly clothing is often made from synthetic fibers that, more often than not, are derived from petroleum […]
By Ethan Huff
Radioactive water being stored at the Fukushima power plant approaches the limit; Japanese officials still have no plan to dispose of it
There’s almost no more room for anymore storage tanks at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) nuclear reactor site in Fukushima, Japan, which means that very soon there won’t be any way to dispose of the ever-growing amount of treated water, also known as tritium water, that continues to accumulate within the disaster area. Neither […]
By Ethan Huff
Celebrity chef arrested for allegedly attempting to murder a giant tree using Roundup herbicide and a drill
Television personality and former 2014 “Top Chef” contestant Adam Harvey, 33, has reportedly been arrested by Brooklyn police after he was caught trying to kill his neighbor’s 60-year-old tree using buckets of Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide and a hand drill. Harvey is apparently upset about the fact that the towering silver maple partially blocks sunlight from […]
By Ethan Huff
The latest left-wing ecological insanity: Clear-cutting forests to burn the trees for “green” energy
In the interest of stopping “global warming,” government officials in the United Kingdom have partnered with companies and governments in the state of Virginia to hack down large swaths of southern hardwood forest in order to create “biomass” energy for use across the pond. Since continuing to burn native fossil fuels like coal won’t help […]
By Ethan Huff
“Tolerant” Leftists now targeting climate change “deniers” with escalating wave of vicious death threats
Rabid climate change fanatics are now sending vicious death threats to those with whom they disagree, including Marc Morano of Climate Depot, a climate truth website affiliated with the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). On April 25, 2018, Morano reportedly received a hate-filled email from someone with the handle “f***
[email protected]
” (this being the censored […]
By Ethan Huff
Thousands of tons of New York’s human sewage is stuck on a train in Alabama… say what?
The 982 residents who live in the tiny town of Parrish, Alabama, have been stuck with a stinky, poop-filled freight train that’s been sitting on its tracks for several months now, and nobody seems to know where or when it might be removed. The train had reportedly been sent from New York City carrying tons of […]
By Ethan Huff
If the Earth’s magnetic field reverses, scientists think they know where ground zero will be
Many skeptics have been speculating over the past several years about Earth undergoing some major changes in the very near future – mainly with regards to the “flipping” of its magnetic field. And new research out of New York claims to have uncovered precisely where “ground zero” of this major event will take place. According […]
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