News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Hopi tribe is fighting the use of artificial snow made from treated sewage at a ski resort
One of the four ski resorts that calls the state of Arizona home is the subject of a new lawsuit alleging that the company managing it is defiling the sacredness of the land by spraying ski run terrain with artificial snow made from reclaimed water. According to the Hopi tribe, the San Francisco Peaks near […]
By Ethan Huff
China is stealing solar panel jobs from American workers – Will Trump send a tough trade message?
All along the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump emphasized how China has been aggressively manipulating its own currency in order to shadily gain an upper hand economically. And now the communist regime has been exposed for colluding to steal American jobs, particularly in the solar industry, which the International Trade Commission (ITC) is pushing now-President […]
By Ethan Huff
Your “green energy” may not be so green after all: rare earth elements used in solar panels and wind turbines are highly polluting
Renewable energy is taking the world by storm, as “greenies” everywhere welcome with open arms the latest iterations of solar panels, wind turbines, and other “clean” energy alternatives to traditional fossil fuels like coal. But one of the things that many people who believe in “green energy” fail to realize is that many of their […]
By Ethan Huff
Major climate change study just confirmed the climate was changing dramatically in the 1800s, long before the invention of the combustion engine
A new study on climate change claims that global cooling events that took place in Europe during the 19th century were directly responsible for driving millions of German immigrants, including Donald Trump’s ancestors, to the United States in pursuit of warmer pastures. But in attempting to take a subtle jab against our current president, this […]
By Ethan Huff
Climatologists admit wildfire smoke is already COOLING the planet, just as volcanoes do
Is it possible that carbon, which is often blamed as the cause of global warming, is actually a contributor to global cooling? A new study by researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) says the answer is yes, showing that the brown carbon releases from wildfires act as a protective shield to help minimize […]
By Ethan Huff
Commercial crabber calls out Al Gore on FAKE SCIENCE, explains sea level hasn’t changed at all since 1970
In promotion of his latest film, “An Inconvenient Sequel,” former vice president and global warming activist Al Gore is still desperately trying to make the case that planet earth is heating up, and that only carbon taxes can fix it. But as per usual, he failed miserably during a recent CNN town hall with Anderson […]
By Ethan Huff
Dicamba “drift” destroying crops downwind from application sites of Monsanto’s toxic herbicide
It’s one of the most controversial issues in modern agriculture: persistent crop chemicals of a highly toxic nature that spread unabated beyond the field. The experts call this “drift,” and one herbicide in particular that’s causing major problems in this regard is dicamba, also known as “Xtend,” a broad-leafed Monsanto weedkiller product commonly applied to […]
By Ethan Huff
California’s cities are being choked to death by POLLUTION, so liberals of course blame global warming instead of themselves
Though conditions have improved in some areas of the Golden State, California once again tops the list as being the most air-polluted state in the country. But rather than focus on addressing the problem at the local and state level, Governor Jerry Brown has set his sights on tackling the global agenda of “climate change,” […]
By Ethan Huff
Neil deGrasse Tyson joins the list of the world’s most EVIL propagandists who push poison in the name of “science”
Chances are that during his tenure at Harvard back in the late 1970s, Neil deGrasse Tyson never had cognitive aspirations of becoming a poster boy for corporate, for-profit “science” after graduation. But that’s exactly what this pseudoscience charlatan has become, joining the ranks of other shameless propagandists like Jon Entine and Bill Nye whose entire […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing publisher Mother Jones wants you to eat more toxic GMOs, inject your children with more vaccines and hate Donald Trump
Meandering through the latest mainstream media headlines these days, one is hard-pressed to find even a semblance of objective truth on virtually any topic. It’s all anti-Trump, pro-G.M.O., and pro-vaccine propaganda, it seems, including at the left-leaning news publication Mother Jones where such positions are regularly brow-beaten into readers at an excruciating pace. While claiming […]
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