News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Food Evolution GMO propaganda film was spearheaded behind the scenes by biotech shill and exposed wife beater Jon Entine
A new documentary film being released, entitled Food Evolution, is the latest in chemical industry propaganda spreading the message that GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) and crop chemicals and great, and branding it as “science.” And none other than wife-beater and raging lunatic Jon Entine is behind the project, which functions more as corporate PR campaign for […]
By Ethan Huff
Coal-hating liberals don’t seem to understand that coal is needed to make STEEL, and without steel, modern society can’t function at all
The modern-day meme about coal is that it’s just a filthy fossil fuel with no redeeming value beyond pollution for profit. But the reality is that society still needs coal – and desperately – not only for energy production but also to produce steel, which is vitally important to build many of the things we […]
By Ethan Huff
“Monsanto Mafia” just produced a corporate propaganda film called “Food Evolution” produced by violent psychopath shills who promote GMOs and pesticides
A new documentary film that claims to set the record straight on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) has been exposed as a propaganda piece that aims for nothing more than to advance the agenda of chemical and biotechnology companies. Narrated by fake science icon Neil deGrasse Tyson, Food Evolution is backed and funded by a who’s who […]
By Ethan Huff
New legislation in North Carolina would allow harmful 5G cell towers in neighborhoods; no citizen feedback allowed
The telecommunications industry can’t wait to release the next generation of mobile phone technology, a controversial network standard known as 5G, which could be unveiled as soon as 2019. But many citizens who will be directly affected by the technology’s high-intensity radio frequencies (RFs) aren’t being kept in the loop about what’s going on, including […]
By Ethan Huff
CONFIRMED: Living in cities makes people psychotic; they start hearing “voices in their heads,” shocking new study finds
Urban life might seem hip and enticing, especially for younger folks who enjoy the hustle and bustle of busy environments marked by constant activity. But all the noise and commotion that comes along with it can have a detrimental effect on a person’s mental health, including an increased likelihood of experiencing psychotic episodes and hearing “voices” […]
By Ethan Huff
Plants in the wild compete and excel based on “market competition” principles, scientists discover (because “equality” leads to extinction)
Liberal feminists and social justice warriors (SJWs) who are constantly trying to force “equality” at all costs like to think that they’re doing the world a favor in advancing human rights. But perhaps the biggest opponent of their anger-fueled, fascist cause is nature itself, which when it’s observed through the lens of objectivity proves that […]
By Ethan Huff
Bill Nye exposed as a genocidal anti-science lunatic who seems to want human civilization exterminated, reveals new science video
What’s truly amazing about all the hype surrounding man-made climate change and the supposed evils of carbon dioxide, which we’re all told is “warming” the planet, is that this popular viewpoint couldn’t be further from the truth. Elementary science has definitively proven that carbon dioxide is what our planet needs to thrive, yet anti-science propagandists […]
By Ethan Huff
Democratic candidate says if you don’t believe in climate change, you should kill yourself with car exhaust
Man-made climate change has become a quintessential symbol of hot-button American politics – the divide-and-conquer issue of our day that never fails to rile up folks on both sides of the debate. But when the argument over whether or not it’s actually a serious problem deteriorates into calls for those on the opposing side to […]
By Ethan Huff
Monsanto back in court over misleading Roundup ads
A new lawsuit claims that Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation, has been lying about the nature of its Roundup herbicide by claiming that it only targets an enzyme found in weeds, but not in people or pets. Challenging the very basis upon which Roundup was even granted approval in the first place, this latest […]
By Ethan Huff
‘Fake meat’ from Impossible Foods, backed by Bill Gates and Google, is loaded with GMOs and MSG … Is anyone surprised?
When it comes to innovation in Silicon Valley, nothing is sacred – including meat! That’s right, a team of chemical scientists has developed a new type of fake meat under the branding of “Impossible Foods” that, with the backing of Bill Gates, Google and many of the other usual suspects, is now being pushed as […]
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