News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
The Health Ranger takes aim at biosolids pollution in stunning new “Biosludged” documentary… see trailer here
When considering where our food comes from, what do you picture? Humble farmers cultivating crops in lush fields? Large tractors pulling in big harvests? Perhaps a few pesticide workers trying to deter pests and weeds? No matter how you envision the farming process, chances are the regular application of toxic sewage in the form of […]
By Ethan Huff
See the list of academic institutions that collude with the weapons, biotech, and medical industries to enslave humanity
The system. The machine. The man. The powers that be. Whatever you choose to call the hidden power structure that pulls many of the strings in our country and world, its function is still the same: to enslave the people of our planet with agenda-driven propaganda, fake fiat currencies, endless war, toxins and disease, chemical […]
By Ethan Huff
Chemical-ridden GMO foods are now being pushed on Africans, destroying their natural food culture
In response to a propaganda piece recently published in a local newspaper that pushes the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as a viable remedy to address exploding cancer rates throughout developing Africa, a concerned citizen of Rwanda wrote a letter to the editor countering this narrative, pointing out that toxic food, and not a lack of […]
By Ethan Huff
Liberal “science” on parade: Kill off 90 percent of the world population to save the planet
A University of Texas professor says he is eager to see mass carnage on Planet Earth to help remediate what he sees as the problem of human overpopulation. In the opinion of Eric R. Pianka, an evolutionary ecologist and professor of integrative biology, at least 90 percent of the world’s population needs to go, and […]
By Ethan Huff
Third world status: 30 percent of Americans could soon not afford safe running water
An assistant professor of geography from Michigan State University (MSU) has crunched the numbers and determined that, based on current demographic, socioeconomic, and other factors, more than one third of all Americans will soon be unable to pay for water out of their own taps. Elizabeth Mack, publishing her work in the open-access journal PLOS […]
By Ethan Huff
Brazil may soon refuse all GMO imports from the United States
There has been all sorts of talk in recent days about the incoming Trump administration’s refusal to let other countries continue taking advantage of the United States in unfair trade deals. But what about when other countries decide to stop doing trade with the U.S. because the goods we trade them are toxic and destructive? […]
By Ethan Huff
New court documents reveal EPA to be Monsanto’s prostitute… one more reason to shut down the Environmental “Pollution” Agency
A probe is currently underway to determine just how cozy the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is with world’s most evil corporation, Monsanto. And thus far, it is becoming more than apparent that the EPA functions as little more than a pimp for the biotechnology industry, routinely approving chemicals like Roundup (glyphosate) without proper safety assessments. […]
By Ethan Huff
Denmark puts 53 million Euros towards becoming the first organic nation
Recognizing the immense environmental and economic benefits of producing clean food, the European nation of Denmark is on a mission to transform its entire agricultural landscape into a chemical-free, organic paradise. And according to new reports, it is rapidly doing so with money it smartly invested back in 2015 which, if everything goes according to […]
By Ethan Huff
GMOs are not only dangerous but unnecessary-just look at India’s organic rice revolution
Things are finally turning around for the better in India after more than a decade of progressive crop failures, bankruptcies, and even suicides resulting from the country’s unfortunate adoption of biotechnology. Going against the grain of mainstream thought, many Indian farmers are deciding to ditch the GMOs and chemicals and go completely organic — and […]
By Ethan Huff
REINS Act passed; could help make science accountable via elected reps who answer to the voters, not corporations
In response to eight horrific years of Barack Obama’s executive abuses, the House of Representatives recently passed legislation that gives Congress new veto power over any major rule or regulation coming out of the executive branch that impacts the economy by $100 million or more. Known as the Regulations from the Executive in Need of […]
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