News & Articles By News Editors
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What you’re not being told about the Paris climate agreement
President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord has thrown the world into a blazing furnace full of weeping and gnashing of teeth—or the political world, at least, has been thrown into a fiery tizzy. (Article by Joey Clark republished from Theantimedia.org) Former President Barack Obama broke his silence, saying, […]
By News Editors
Why Tesla’s solar roof is just another giant taxpayer gift to Elon Musk
There are two things in which Elon Musk is an undisputed champion: creating hype and buzz for massively cash-flow burning products and companies, and abusing every possible loophole in the US tax code to get explicit and implicit subsidies from the government. He demonstrated the latter on Wednesday, when Tesla began taking orders for its […]
By News Editors
Dirty money, dirty science: How the GMO industry really operates
The biotech industry’s web of attempts to buy credibility, by laundering its messages through supposedly independent academic scientists, is unraveling and beginning to reveal the influence of a huge amount of industry money on the independence of academic agricultural science. Some of this process was revealed recently in The New York Times. Many of these […]
By News Editors
MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen explains: Believing that CO2 controls the climate “is pretty close to believing in magic”
Introduction: For over 30 years, I have been giving talks on the science of climate change. When, however, I speak to a non-expert audience, and attempt to explain such matters as climate sensitivity, the relation of global mean temperature anomaly to extreme weather, that warming has decreased profoundly for the past 18 years, etc., it […]
By News Editors
Is It True The Obama Administration Faked Climate Change Data?
You aren’t going to believe this, but one of the Obama administration top officials, physicist Steven Koonin, has become a whistleblower regarding the “Obama administration’s manipulated ‘climate change’ data to trick the public into accepting Democrat policies.” [1-2] (Article by Catherine J. Frompovich republished from ActivistPost.com) So what else is new in science? It seems […]
By News Editors
Breakthrough mini documentary: The real secrets buried in Antarctica…
There may be good reason for your curiosity if you have ever wondered about what is really going on at the southernmost continent. (Article by thedailysheeple.com) With so many myths and rumors flying around about the place lately, we decided to do a little research of our own into the claims… which turned into a […]
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The Health Ranger and Dave Hodges expose present day cannibalism and vaccines that are destroying the human race
The globalists have weaponized the federal government and did so when the IRS illegally attacked the Tea Party members. The EPA, using the climate change myth attacks farmers and ranchers. These practices have reached a level where the federal government is the decided enemy of the people. (Article by Dave Hodges from thecommonsenseshow.com) The weaponization […]
By News Editors
7 “Earthlike” planets just under 40 light years away; could hold life
NASA has discovered seven planets with Earth-like qualities orbiting a nearby star making them among the strongest candidates in the continued search for extraterrestrial life among known exoplanets, or planets that exist outside of our own solar system. (Article by Darrell Etherington from TechCrunch.com) These new planets all inhabit another solar system which includes seven […]
By News Editors
Weather modification: Satellite imagery reveals unmistakable aerosol operation over South Florida
Geoengineering is a very real — and very scary — phenomenon happening across the world. Evidence of weather control in the United States can be found as early as 1966 in a now highly cited document on National Weather Modification Programs. The shocking truths surrounding geoengineering is hard for many to accept and has created […]
By News Editors
Elon Musk pushing carbon tax con that will pad his own pockets with billions
People sometimes said Ayn Rand’s writing was . . . heavy. Obvious, too. Villains with names too good to be true (or believable). Elsworth Monkton Tooey… rhymes with … things unpleasant. (Article by Eric Peters from Alt-market.com) Well, how about Elon Musk. Something definitely stinks. The latest being the Crony Capitalist King’s suck-up to President Trump […]
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