The World Health Organization (WHO) calls air pollution “the world’s largest single environmental risk.” In 2012, one-in-eight deaths around the …
The conviction that global warming is “settled science” has become firmly established in the American consciousness. Truth be told, around …
You recycle religiously, you ride your bike to work, you bring reusable bags to the grocery store, and you wouldn’t …
In promotion of his latest film, “An Inconvenient Sequel,” former vice president and global warming activist Al Gore is still …
Streams and rivers in Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and other parts of the central Great Plains are drying up as farmers …
Anyone who speaks out about chem-trails is immediately dismissed as a paranoid conspiracy theorist. No one is allowed to question …
It’s no secret that human activity can contribute a great deal to damaging the environment, but did you know that …
Temperature fluctuates, the weather shifts, and the climate never stays the same. It doesn’t matter where you live; it has …
As the global warming narrative unravels under revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the …
A rational review of global warming data has unveiled systematic scientific fraud to alter temperature data in support of the …